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 Arcane Assassin build

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Master Of the Universe
Master Of the Universe

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Age : 42
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Registration date : 2007-02-16

Arcane Assassin build Empty
PostSubject: Arcane Assassin build   Arcane Assassin build Icon_minitimeThu Aug 23, 2012 9:13 am

ok so i figured i would post a build i'm working on i've dubbed it the Arcane Assassin, could prolly thing of a better name but meh, this works, i'll list the skill set and hp/mp/sta set up i'm going for any advice would be most welcome.

Arcane Assassin.
race: any, but i'm going with Breton
subrace: vampire (with a mod i'm using, called better vampires, this makes being an assassin, much more rewarding, given the bonuses)

main weapon: Bound Bow (i went with this because i feel it fits the arcane assassin feel, not sure how the damage will stack, but i'm sure it will go as high as daedric or even dragon with the right enchanting on gear)

secondary: not sure about this one, i want to use daggers but i don't think there is a bound dagger spell, and if that is the case i'll have to use swords...

skill set:
light armour
alteration (for the extra armour, no that i would need it tbh)

lesser skills

given the fact that i do run a few mods, my armour of choice is the Dark brotherhood armour, because it fits the concept, and the mod i got Black sacrament Armour, just looks awesome and screams assassin.

so there you have it, my build, if u want to add any advice or tips feel free.
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